When computers were first developed, rooms were filled with spacious equipment and wirings. Today with the evolution of technology, a small chip fitted in an equal to the size of a hand mobile phone does the work more efficiently. Mobiles have become a necessity to the modern generation, with a multitude of operable features fitted within a few inches. Be it a secure money transfer or something as simple as creating a note, the popularity of mobile phones is so, one man is using multiple devices. Artificial intelligence and augmented realities are the future of technology and their future, smartphones.
As businessmen look to make use of applications and web designing for expanding the horizons of their brand globally, it is equally important to choose the right platform for your robust, responsive, and engaging product to keep up with the market. While there are numerous options out there, every website development company prefers React Native above everything else. React Native allows developers to create robust, innovative, scalable, and competitive mobile apps in no time. Let’s delve further into development with React Native.
What is React Native?
Before analyzing the performance of the language, let’s know some of its histories. Developed as an open-source framework solely for mobile apps by Facebook, React Native is the go-to option for rapid development with cost-effectiveness. The performance of features that enrich cross-platform applications is simply applaudable. Using Javascript as the foundation, React Native has been a preferred choice for years.
Traditionally, when developing and designing for mobiles, android applications are coded in Java and iOS applications are built through Swift/Objective C. Not only is native development a time-consuming and tedious process, but it also offers little potential and uses for future OS systems. React Native development follows the principle of cross-platform designing, innovating attractive and competent apps for android and ios through single source code. This also in turn simplifies the process of upgradation and maintenance.
Today’s successful businesses favor React Native.

All the flourishing companies of today prefer React Native as their dominant development platform, especially when consistency is an important parameter. Instead of repeatedly putting efforts into different versions and aesthetics, companies favor one file approach to target multiple platforms. This undoubtedly saves much effort and time for the developer and client.
The strength of React Native lies in its quality of creating smooth, fast, and responsive applications with momentum and no load. When compared to other approaches, React Native is the fastest and cheapest option for any firm, without any compromises on features, quality, or appearance. With more than hundreds of standard libraries to access, React Native is a win-win situation for both sides.
The foundation of React Native is Javascript, an essential beginner language for most professional developers. Hence there is no need to spend extra time and effort on syntax and structure. Developers get frank and expert with React Native in an eye’s blink. Being part of a large community, it is most likely, the problem you are looking to solve already has an existing solution.
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Advantages of React Native
1. One code, multiple platforms
In the end, it is of little matter to the user what process the developer chose as long as the application performs. Cross-platform apps developed with React Native outshine native apps in performance with a mere performance gap of nanoseconds.
Native UI Library combined with third-party APIs gives the perfect base code for both platforms. For an existing developed app, React JS promotes reusability through state management, and component logic, without worrying about the native functionalities.
2. Reuse and Reduce Code
The biggest advantage of Cross-platform development is reusing the same code for multiple platforms and any emerging future technology. React Native follows the principle of writing once and using infinite times. Though this may seem repetitive, this proves to be a major relief in long-run maintenance and development. With the help of previous versions, new apps can be built within a few days of the determination.
3. Born from a familiar language
If you simply have no experience with React Native but have been familiar with Javascript for years, then cross the first statement. Any developer after learning JS will know more than enough about React Native and can immediately start working on projects.
5. Robust, speedy and smooth applications
Since the core of each application comes from one single source code file, changing processes is much more convenient and accessible. For any updates or feedback implementations, changes have to be made only once and will be reflected on multiple platforms. This provides additional stability and reliability to your application and easier maintenance for developers.
As compared to Webview, React Natives uses native APIs resulting in a faster response.
6. Various Third party supports
Every developer makes use of a precompiled third party to develop a user-friendly and navigable application. Several features can be directly incorporated from standard Modules. Most common features like Google calendar, google maps, instead of configuring personally every time can be linked to your application through a third-party plug-in.
7. Growing spontaneously
Being part of a larger community yields more benefits than anticipated. Not only developers around the world are actively working to improve user experience and invent new standard modules for import. Frequently, React Native releases better and more feature-rich versions.
8. Hot and Live Reloading
Upgrading or maintenance of the server shouldn’t become a hindrance to your business. React Native solves the problem of hot and live reloading features. In simpler words, developers can do real-time changes and fix technical issues without disturbing the functionality of the application. Hot reloading is limited to one arena of change, followed by live reloading reflecting the changes made on the whole application automatically. This proves to be a big boon during debugging and testing of applications.
9. User Interactive Interface
No user returns to a static or chaotic mobile application. Today the web is all about user interaction and user expression. React Native provides numerous options for developing user-friendly applications with help of buttons, sliders, switches, drop-down menus, and more. To compete with native applications, developers also get access to operating system-specific features.
10. An esteemed choice in Industry
Trusted by professionals all around the world, React Native is an immensely popular framework with uncountable community support. From experts to fresh developers, millions are engaged to improvise their experience with React Native, crowning it the most favored choice of the future.
11. Easy to hire React Native developers
Being open-source, free, and syntax easy, after Javascript, developers don’t shy away from trying their hand at React Native. Hiring React Native developers with the desired skill sets and roles for the project is a very convenient process. From freelancers to outsourcing companies, React Native developers are eager to build for you. Many successful and accomplished applications are running on React Native. Any starting company, looking to target cross-platform development, should choose React Native without further due. Hire a web development company now!
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