Which Spiders Do You Come Across And How Do You Recognise Them?

Australia is a country rich in biodiversity, with over 10,000 species of spiders found throughout the land. There are some spiders you can recognize right away, while others require more study. If you’re looking to learn more about some of the most common Australian spiders, this article is for you!

Redback spider

The redback spider is a venomous spider that is native to Australia. Red stripes on its black abdomen make it identifiable, and it lives in gardens, homes, and other structures. If bitten by a female redback spider, the venom can cause severe pain, sweating, nausea, and other symptoms. The male redback spider is much smaller and is not considered dangerous to humans. If you encounter a redback spider, it’s best to give it plenty of space and avoid disturbing it. If you are bitten by a redback spider, seek medical attention immediately.

Funnel-web spider

The funnel-web spider is a venomous spider that is native to Australia. It is recognised by its shiny, black body and the distinctive funnel-shaped web it spins. The venom of the Sydney funnel-web spider is highly toxic and can be dangerous to humans, especially males. A funnel-web spider bite may cause severe pain, sweating, and muscle spasms. It is essential to seek medical attention immediately if you are bitten by a funnel-web spider. Antivenom is available and has been effective in treating bites from this spider. It’s best to avoid disturbing funnel-web spiders and seek professional help to remove them from your home.

Huntsman spider

The huntsman spider is a large, hairy spider that is commonly found in Australia and other parts of the world. They are not considered dangerous to humans, and their bites are generally mild and cause little to no harm. Huntsman spiders are often found in homes, where they help to control the population of other insects. They have long, thin legs and flattened bodies, and come in a variety of colors. Huntsman spiders are not aggressive and will only bite if threatened, so leave them alone. It is possible to relocate a huntsman spider outside with a container and a piece of paper.

Wolf spider

The wolf spider is a common spider found in Australia and many other parts of the world. They are generally not considered dangerous to humans, and their bites are usually mild and cause little to no harm. Wolf spiders are typically large and hairy, with a distinctive eye pattern that sets them apart from other spiders. They are often found in grassy or wooded areas, and they can be active both during the day and at night. If you encounter a wolf spider, it’s best to leave it alone, as they are not aggressive and will typically only bite if they feel threatened. If you need to remove a wolf spider from your home, you can use a container and a piece of paper to gently relocate it outside.

Orb-weaving spiders

Orb-weaving spiders are a group of spiders that are known for their intricate, circular webs. They are found in many parts of the world, including Australia, and come in many different species. Orb-weaving spiders are not considered dangerous to humans, and their bites are usually mild and cause little to no harm. They are typically active at night and are often found in gardens and other outdoor areas. Orb-weaving spiders are recognizable by their rounded bodies, long legs, and the distinctive web they spin, which is often used to catch flying insects. If you encounter them, it’s best to leave it alone and avoid disturbing its web.

What you must do if a spider is seen in your home

If you see a spider in your home, the first thing to do is to remain calm. Remember that most spiders are not dangerous and will not harm you unless they feel threatened. Here are some steps you can take:

Give the spider space: Try not to approach or disturb the spider, as this may cause it to feel threatened and become defensive.

Keep the area clean: Spiders are often attracted to clutter and debris, so keeping your home clean and free of debris can help discourage them from entering.

Seal entry points: Check your windows and doors for any gaps or openings that spiders could use to enter your home, and seal them up as needed.

Use a container and paper: If you need to remove the spider, you can use a container and a piece of paper to gently scoop it up and release it outside.

Seeking professional help: If you are unsure of the type of spider you have encountered or are concerned about its presence in your home, you can contact professional Spider Control Hobart services to help you safely and effectively deal with the issue.


Australia is home to over 1000 species of spiders, so chances are you will come across at least a few during your visit. However, knowing how to identify different types of spiders can make it easier for you to avoid them and stay safe. Here are some tips on what to look out for when encountering spiders in Australia. This article covers the most common types of Australian spiders. If you are ever unsure whether a spider is harmful or not, always call an expert!

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