Does Food Have an Influence on Mood? 

Good nutrition is essential to maintain excellent physical health. Studies revealed that nutrition does affect emotional and mental well-being directly. Nutritionists do state that what you consume is sure to impact significantly mental health. Good health rather describes an optimal well-being condition. It ensures that your mind and body works together in harmony. Concerning health journey, both are vital.

Science behind mood and food

There is a strong link between emotions and stems. It is stated to arise from the relationship that is found to be quite close between gastrointestinal tract, referred to as ‘second brain’ and the brain. GI tract contains bacteria in billions which influence chemical substance production whose function is to carry messages to the brain from the gut. Serotonin and dopamine are two classic examples.

‘Good’ bacteria

It is necessary to consume nutritionally dense food as it helps develop ‘good’ bacteria. This, affects essential chemical production in the stomach and gut region. With optimal production, the brain starts to receive positive messages quite clear and loud. It is then reflected by the brain. If production runs awry, then your mood is likely to experience extreme swings.


The main reason for inflammation to occur is ‘sugar’. Within the GI tract, it tends to feed upon ‘bad’ bacteria. It may result in developing dopamine type ‘feel good’ chemicals, but on temporary basis. However, both are not desired. Such spikes may cause fleeting sugar rush and then a hard crash. Therefore, sticking to nutrient-rich food diet will ensure improved focus and fewer mood swings.

Diet and Suppression: Are they related to one another?

Balanced diet ensures healthy gut, thereby reducing depression risks. Certain diets are found to be good enough to combat depression. Some even comprise of nutrients that treat and prevent mild depression. You can keep depression at bay by consuming foods like oysters, mussels, salmon, oysters, watercress, spinach, strawberries, romaine lettuce, cauliflower, etc. Besides food, you should also exercise daily, imbibe proper coping mechanism, avail therapy or counselling and get support from beloved ones.

Suggested diet and foods to ensure better mood

Many might find it quite challenging to adhere to a strict, but healthy diet. At times, it can even be quite expensive. However, the best dietician considers it to be a better choice rather than having crappy foods. Adjusting your diet can help you and your family members to be in great physical and mental shape. There are several types of diet and foods that can be chosen based on your specific needs.

Diets to choose

  • Fresh, dark leafy-green vegetables: It should be part of your daily diet as it is known to enhance moods. Vegetables and fruits offer positive effects to the body. Besides improving mood, green leafy vegetables reduce anxiety and depression symptoms. You may have mineral, vitamin and nutrient rich vegetables like broccoli, kale and spinach.  Other beneficial contents present are B Vitamins, folate, magnesium and potassium.
  • Healthy carbs: Improved mood and carbs have some connection and that is with Tryptophan, a non-essential amino acid. Although such carbohydrate rich foods might not contain tryptophan, insulin may be secreted into the body. Insulin supports tryptophan transportation to the brain. Serotonin gets synthesized within the brain as tryptophan in huge numbers enters the brain. Being a mood regulator, Serotonin reduces anxiety and provides that happy feeling.
  • Balanced breakfast: This is what health experts strongly recommended for all ages. Otherwise, you are likely to feel grumpy and even get tired quickly. Moreover, skipping breakfast might result in developing digestive problems which, in turn, may impact negatively your mood. Make sure your breakfast contains carbohydrates, protein, whole grains, low fat dairy, fiber, etc.
  • Omega-3 fats: This element is known to prevent depression and improve mood. Some foods containing Omega-3 are fish, walnuts and flaxseeds. This element is said to travel quickly within the brain’s cell membrane, thus interacting with the mood regulating molecules. Moreover, the polyunsaturated fat is known to have anti-inflammatory activities to help provide relief from depression. It also ensures you stay in good mood.
  • Vitamin D: It helps enhance the brain’s serotonin levels. The latter is considered to be a happy hormone. It helps boost positive feelings such as love, pleasure and happiness. Hence, you should consume foods rich in this element like red meat in moderate amounts, oily fish such as herring, mackerel, salmon and sardines. Also have egg yolks, liver, mushrooms and fortified foods like milk products and cereals.
  • Mediterranean diet: These days, this type of diet seems to be growing in popularity and followed by people the world over. It reduces chronic illness associated risks like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc. It can be termed to be a healthy, well-balanced diet comprising of fish, cereals, legumes, nuts, vegetables, whole grains, and fruits. Also include in your diet red wine, red meat, eggs, dairy and fish, but in moderate amounts.
  • Dark chocolate: Its very texture, smell and taste alone can help boost good mood in children and adults alike. It contains mood boosting compounds in rich amounts like phenethylamine, anandamide and flavonols. Since less sugar goes into its preparation, it is best for those eager to control their weight. It also reduces inflammation, heart disease risk while enhancing brain function.
  • Selenium rich foods: This mineral is generally found in foods, soil and water and plays a vital role to lower the body’s oxidative stress and boost immune system. Foods containing this element stabilize the mind. Its deficiency may cause anxiety and depression. You may consume nuts, legumes, beans, seeds, lean meat, freshwater fish and seafood like sardines, crab, oysters, clams, etc.
  • Bananas: They are rich in potassium, prebiotic fiber and natural sugars. It ensure blood sugar remains at normal levels while stabilizes mood. It also contains Vitamin B6 in high levels thus helping the body to synthesize feel good neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin. Prebiotics present are considered to reduce mood disorders. Having healthy sugar, moderate consumption does not cause fluctuations in blood sugar level.

Healthy eating

Whether it is breakfast, lunch, snacks or dinner, make sure it is healthy, fresh and has all the essential nutrients in it. This way, you will stay healthy and enjoy good mood always while keeping depression signs at bay.

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