How Often Should A Brand Redesign It’s Logo?

Having a perfect logo can usher significant positive impacts on your business although getting it right for the first time is especially tricky. Sometimes, the companies do it right in the first go and never consider a logo redesign again. On the contrary, some companies frequently change their logos as a part of their re-branding.

With time, design trends change along with consumer behaviour, and technology. If your brand logo can’t keep up the pace with these latest trends, it will eventually lose the ability to convey trust and brand message. This is why the need to redesign the brand logo arises.

But how often should you do it? Read the blog till the end to get the required details.

A) What Is A Logo Redesign?

A logo redesign generally refers to just a refresh or a full design overall of a brand logo. This redesign may be a product of a huge change in the purpose, mission, or core value of a brand logo. It may have a huge impact on your business. It comprises every type of visual change made to an already existing logo.

Irrespective of the scope of logo redesign, any kind of logo changes impact your brand’s visual identity. As a result, consumers start perceiving your brand differently. Some businesses feel ready to move forward with a new design. Others just make minor changes as they lack new design ideas.

B) How Often Should A Brand Redesign Its Logo?

Now the main question is how frequently a brand should redesign its logo. Well, to be specific, a logo is the face of an organisation or a product – and how often do you want to change your face? That completely depends on you, or the organisational needs. However, there are a large number of factors that play behind the redesign. For instance, if your target audience changes, if your service or product changes if you face new competition, or if your logo looks outdated, consider it’s time to change your logo.

To be honest, the exact frequency of changing your brand logo varies from the needs of one business to another; nonetheless, you should take a time of at least 5 years to redesign your logo. To illustrate changes in a firm and highlight the brand’s lifespan, logos are periodically modified since they are a benefit in strategic marketing. It takes at least 5 years for some new trends to get settled and recognised in the market. Therefore, you should wait for this period to devise a new logo design plan and implement it.

C) When To Consider A Logo Redesign?

It’s not always easy to predict when you should update your logo. Altering something as well-known as a logo could seem intimidating or even illogical. But if you do it well, the outcomes may be incredible! Nevertheless, changing a logo is not something that should be done casually. You should exercise caution if you have a devoted client base or that is accustomed to your logo. It’s because doing so might cost you losing brand recognition and have a detrimental effect on your future sales.

Hence, if you are confused about when to change your company logo design, here are 6 questions that will help you determine whether you should stay with what you have or start from scratch:

1. Is There A New Competitor/S In The Market?

It’s quite common for businesses across various industries to face tough competition from newcomers who claim them to be modern, and more agile. Especially, if the new competitors use the latest technologies or follow the latest trends, it’s likely that they will surpass you in the market. Redesigning your brand logo at this time and releasing it boosts your brand image to a great extent.

2. Has Your Audience Changed?

If you find your business targeting a new group of audience, for instance, younger consumers, female/male customers, etc., it’s a feasible idea to re-think your current logo design. Especially, if your brand faces trouble connecting with the new audiences with your old logo, it’s highly recommended to redesign it. A new brand logo will not only give you a fresh look, but also your business will gain visibility and will be able to tap into new markets.

3. Have You Expanded Your Business?

Businesses frequently grow or change their emphasis, whether by introducing a new product line or even by joining forces with another firm. You should know future of custom apparel printing with the logo design to represent any important changes that occurred to your company so that it can connect with the audiences in a better way.

4. Is Your Logo Outdated?

It’s a quite tough question to ask; however, it’s an essential one. If your business is from the fashion or lifestyle sector, the brand logo is prone to be outdated after a few years. It’s because these are very dynamic sectors and if you don’t stay in the same line with these fast-moving trends, your audiences might consider you ‘backdated’.

5. Does Your Logo Convey Any Meaning?

Your logo must represent your company and should convey your brand message to the target audiences. If it’s just based on the ‘nice look’ and not portraying any important message, you must create a new logo that highlights the core strengths and values of your business.

6. Have Your Product Or Services Changed?

Have you recently changed your product or service offerings? Then, of course, you should go for a logo redesigning process. For instance, if your business was selling deodorants previously, but now it’s selling body mists, you have to walk through a logo redesign to let your customers know about your new product category.

D) Wrapping It Up

Redesigning your brand’s logo isn’t something you should ignore or take lightly – it can make or break your brand. So, you should never proceed to do this with a foggy mind. Only after a detailed market analysis, competitor research, and business development planning, you can go for renewing your business logo design. Remember, you are not supposed to overhaul your logo unnecessarily. Otherwise, you have to replace your every marketing asset including Email signatures, social media, or any physical marketing assets. It’s, therefore, crucial to understand how often, and when should a brand redesign its logo.

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