Electrical problems in residences as well as commercial buildings may come very frequently and you need to hire a professional electrician or an electrical contractor to check ad repair them. There is a difference between electricians and electrical contractors. The contractor himself does not do any kind of repair. He generally hires others and has the right kind of license to ensure a steady upkeep of a residential or commercial set-up.

You need to check several factors and only get the right electrical contractor for your job to ensure safety and high-quality work:
1. License and certification:
First of all, you should check whether the electrical contractor has a license and insurance for the job and from the right authority and then assign the task to him.
2. Trained staff:
Along with that, the right electrical contractors also have licensed staff who are trained and certified electricians. Once you talk to the contractor about any new project, he will give you the right estimate and a bunch of staff who will work in the best possible manner for you. They generally have all those electrical equipment and system that is up-to-date and all the staff has the right knowledge to operate them.
3. Operating ground:
Along with that, just check the kind of projects those electrical contractors have handled in the past. You can take references from some friends and relatives, and it is always better to hire contractors at the start of a new building plan or a renovation project. This will ensure better productivity and overall safety of your living space.
4. Experienced on the specific project:
Ask the electrical contractors about their overall experience on that kind of project. If you see that they have been doing slipshod work, and they can’t finish their work on time, then it is no use assigning them any project. On the contrary, you can check out some of the completed projects that they have already done, and then assign them the task. There are local electric supply companies also that are there, so, you can always inquire about the kind of work that they have done over the years.
5. Budget estimation:
The electrical contractors must provide you with an estimated budget for your work. They offer a free inspection of your residential and commercial property, and then they give you an estimate for the wiring and overall electrical work of your home.
6. Safety concerns and regulations:
The designing, installation process, and overall maintenance of a steady electrical system are the work of the contractors. They are certified, they also complete years of apprenticeship and then come to this field. Along with that, they also know which safety steps to take if they are stuck anywhere. In different countries, there are different rules and regulations regarding the usability of the products and the work by the contractors. Trusted and reputed electrical contractors will maintain all the building guidelines and safety protocols that will allow you to have a safe living space throughout the year.
7. Management skill:
Some electrical contractors take care of the integrated building system. There are system management requirements that are handled as part of the work. So, if they know it, handling the major electrical issues would not be a problem. They have the right electricians who are their strength, and you can choose individual contractors or two or three contractors in a group for completing parts of the project.
8. Understanding of the work:
You should check about the kind of projects that are given to them so that they know what kind of projects they have to do. The right contractors can install the ideal and the best kind of system, as per your needs. If you have an already-installed wiring and electrical system, then they can help you to maintain that. In addition, they also have a steady schedule to finish work on time, and depending on the pressure of work, they can also allot the work to the subcontractors.
9. Recommendations:
The recommendations from the satisfied people around you and the online recommendations of electrical contractors can help you shortlist the options and the common names should be considered. Also, inquire at the local electrical supply and hardware stores to know about their appointed contractors.
10. Insurance And Licensing:
Without proper insurance support verified by the state, appointing a contractor can be a risky affair. Any reputed contractor would have significant liability insurance with workers’ compensation in case of any accident. Besides, they should have all the necessary permits, approvals, and paperwork sorted from the local authorities.
11. Experience And Training:
The electrical contractors and the electricians working for the person should be certified to work in the specific locality and have experience in working with similar projects. Check their credentials, verify their services from the clients they served in past ask whether they offer a guarantee for the job.
12. Timeframe And Cost:
For the final selection, ask the shortlisted contractors about the estimated cost and the time. If you notice that some of them are offering extended timeframe and unjustified costs, it is better to reject them.
Now, you can hire the right one from many electrical contractors available from online portals, or else, go through the profile of some of the local contractors who are enlisted as part of the yellow pages.